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The Eye Of Horus, this is a band you have to see.
Here’s a tip boys and girls. If you’re looking for really cool bands playing at Gio’s Crib, go to one where SoundTank frontman is personally manning the sound engineer’s booth. Yeah, the same guy who rocked your world on the big stage is also the same quiet guy offstage making sure the one’s onstage have the best sound possible.
and if he whispers in your ear “watch this band”, drop everything. Drop your cellphone, your beer, your date. Drop everything and watch.
This is what happened when he told me I should pay attention to the band Eye of Horus.
What he didn’t know was: I came to the show to watch the band too.

And we stood there, slack jawed, amazed at how guitarist Sheff masterfully let his fingers dance on the fretboard while Simon and Kendrick held the bottom end tightly anchored to the ground. Paul, complete with a scarf tied around his head expertly told stories bringing us back to an era long gone. An era where the sunset strip was filled with men wearing makeup and women’s clothes. An era erased by grunge and until recently was wholly unappreciated by millions.
It is an era that old-timers will continue to say: the good old days. Ahhh those were the good old days.
I still fail to understand why people hated that time so much. It lead to thousands of hours spent practicing just to be as good as Nuno Bettencourt, Vito Bratta, Eddie van Halen, Ritchie Blackmore, yes, even Zakk Wylde (check out his younger years, he was a pretty boy hahaha don’t tell him I said that)
Dissecting The Band
Of the four, the obvious highlight is going to be on Sheff. He is an unconventional person, a man out of time. Offstage he is quiet, almost invisible and yet onstage he literally shines like a God. And he hasn’t even played a note at that time. The moment he steps foot on the stage, all eyes are on him.

Yet, for all his flashiness, the hero status most definitely falls on Kendrick’s shoulders. This is not a band normal drummers would survive in. There is no letup. The ball of energy that is Eye of Horus keeps burgeoning on like a runaway steam engine. It is his steady (frenetic but steady) drumming that keeps this band totally grounded while still flying high.

This band obviously wouldn’t work if not for Simon ably providing the basslines to complement Sheff’s overdriven sound. He has already displayed his masterful wielding of the instrument through highly successful local bands like Cerise and Wardy Puyod’s backing band, Alagad.
Paul, bless his heart, probably has the most difficult job in the entire world as he tries to maintain the crowd’s attention on him during their entire set. It’s a good thing he manages to hold his own by providing an incredible show with his magnificent set of pipes.

I took a sideways glance at Giovanni and he had this wide grin on his face. It was only then that I noticed how cramped my face felt. I had the same wide, silly grin too.
Ladies and Gentleman, the band Eye of Horus. You can’t unsee and unhear this incredible band.