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There are bands that give a good show and then there are bands like MOAWH who will kick your ass to the ground, pummel you with sonic punches and leave your ears bleeding without even a hint of an apology. That’s MOAWH. And I should probably just stop right here but there’s more I’d like to say about this awesome band that everyone should know about.
The hardest thing for me as a writer covering local bands is writing about bands I’m friends with. There’s just no way you can write something impartial about your mates’ band. Heck, I’d rather write something positive about a band I barely know. But let’s just give this a try shall we?
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Who Is Moawh?

MOAWH is a collection of high energy musicians that will leave you drained physically & mentally. They’ll give your eyes & ears a well-deserved workout. Before you know it, you’re caught in the middle of a mosh pit. That’s how I found myself one time while attending a gig headlined by MOAWH. And in this town where enjoying yourself is frowned upon, I, along with members of Spooky Serna, The Gym Boys, Conclave Music Productions & others in the music scene found ourselves in a mosh pit while Dat Dat screamed over us. This was later captured in their music video for Crank. It was total chaos. We were throwing Joey Espera around. Confetti was getting in our mouths and Jero was body slamming along with the biggest, baddest guys in the pit. And me? Well, I found myself lying down, face up, laughing. I had fallen.
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Moawh Has Two Front Men, Dat Dat & Marvin.
One handles all the screaming & growling while the other hypes up the crowd.

A perfect melding of rap & metal over busy riffs & basslines expertly provided by Noizy & Napz. All that held together by a steady rhythmic double bass & blast beats. Aside from being virtuosos in their respective roles, these guys just seem to have effortless fun rocking the crowd and making everyone move. Napz and Noizy are known for weird getups, some would probably smirk at first before realizing that they’re more than just for looks. And when this two move, it’s explosive. I wanna hand them some Ben Gay and Salonpas after just thinking about how stiff they’re going to be the next morning. That’s not headbanging… that’s body lurching. That’s full commitment.
Check out their video, stop everything else that you’re doing and try to imagine yourself in the middle of all that chaos. Yeah, that should make you sweat a little. Now make sure you hit subscribe to their channel. Good boy!
In Parting:
Wait a minute… going back to the mosh pit scene… did I fall or did Jero body slam me? And why was I smeared with cake?
Oks, bye guys. Love & kisses. MOAWH!