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There’s no denying that Toad River is powered by one man: Martin.
He is the band as much as the band is what truly defines him as a person.
The long list of musicians waiting to share the stage with him is proof of Toad River’s star power.
When you see Toad River on the gig poster, you know it’s going to be a trip down memory lane. Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains & SoundGarden are staples of his act onstage.
You’re never quite sure who’ll be onstage with Martin which is part of what keeps Toad River an exciting band. And if there’s no one else to back him up, he’ll just pick up an acoustic or sing along to a backing track. Either way doesn’t matter to this man.
Martin’s voice squarely sits near the lower register of being a tenor. He effortlessly shifts up or down depending on the song. Eddie Vedder quickly comes to mind. Chris Cornell too. There’s a hint of Layne Staley in there somewhere. I have yet to hear a bad note coming from him when he opens those pipes. This toad doesn’t croak.
What I’m looking forward to though is their composition. With the calibre of musicians behind him and his powerful voice, no doubt it will be amazing.

This section will be removed at a later date:
Martin met an accident a few weeks ago and has had to undergo a lot of surgical operations to fix his leg. Such surgical operations are costly. There have been gigs done to raise funds for Martin but he may still need some more to get him back on his feet & onstage. So, give a little. We all need a little help every now & then.