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Three Fold Section is the band you call upon to provide you with hours of entertainment. Although primarily a cover band, Three Fold Section has some compositions they’re working on as we speak.
The band is lead by Jack who provides guitars and vocals beautifully. He is capably backed by Jay on drums and Jon on bass.
Three Fold Section never runs out of songs. They mostly play alternative songs. This is a group of highly accomplished musicians. They are also sought after sidemen by other bands. Onstage, Three Fold Section is a very entertaining band playing hit after hit for the crowd’s enjoyment.
They regularly play at Gio’s Crib and is considered as a mainstay of the bar. They are reliable and you can always count on them to be there and play.

Here’s an anecdote I have about the band, Three Fold Section.
I think it’s no secret that the band Three Fold Section has a special place in my heart. These guys were the first band I saw here in Davao and where did I first see them? You guessed it, Gio’s Crib.
I’d seen posts of Gio’s Crib on Facebook and I finally decided to go see what was up. Three Fold Section was up onstage as a quartet (not the trio we see today).
Like a noob, I went up to Giovanni Gaite and asked him how to get a chance to go up onstage with my band. I didn’t know I was talking to the legendary frontman of SoundTank. He told me to contact Givanne Canuday of GC Productions. (For those reading this, if you want to play at Gio’s, I’m giving you the tips on how to do it)
I didn’t have a band yet at that time. It took a couple of weeks before I finally got the chance to play at Gio’s Crib. And guess who was there… Three Fold Section! Hahaha I guess what comes around, goes around.
I eventually became really good friends with the band. And that makes me happy.

Oh… and just in case you’re up for some wet and wild adventure, Jack is one of the main guys to contact at Base Camp Davao.