Remnants Of Catacombs – Challenges, Stories & The Embodiment Of Passion

Remnants Of Catacombs Official Logo

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There’s something highly entertaining about Remnants of Catacombs ‘ story

Remnants Of Catacombs Official Logo
Remnants Of Catacombs Official Logo

I could’ve just used this instead of having to write another long-winded post about how I like a band and what makes me like them…

โพสต์โดย Remnants Of Catacombs เมื่อ วันจันทร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม 2017

but… I would be doing a disservice to one of the most hardworking and passionate bands in Davao City if I did that.

So here we go again. This time, it’s Remnants of Catacombs!

Remnants Of Catacombs Logo

I had just finished writing about Remnants of Catacombs. They had just released their single and I thought to myself “Well, there’s a good story there somewhere…”

My First And Only Time

I’ll be honest, I’ve only seen Remnants of Catacombs once and I was impressed with their brand of melodic death metal. Even more so, I was impressed by their technical precision. The fact that their songs actually tell a good story is a bonus.

That’s all I really had and a few links to back my research up. The rest, I thought, I’d just do on the fly. It’s a good thing the band’s chief songwriter and main man Jade, messaged me. After a quick exchange of congratulations (for their successful release of the single) I sneaked the question in “Do you have time for a short interview?” He obliged. Whew! Now I have a better story tell.

Ok for Remnants of Catacombs fans (friends, followers or whatever you call yourselves) here’s a good thing: They’re here to stay. The band has big plans. Release more songs. Reach a wider audience. Give you a hell of a good time in the mosh pit.

So, it is now your responsibility to help them reach that goal. Only by doing this together will you, the band and everyone else succeed. Take pride in your city and what it offers.

Everyone’s Looking

Remnants of Catacombs has gotten the attention of people outside Davao City. Here’s a blog post from Unite AsiaRock Rage Radio They’re also on YoutubeFacebook and all other social media platforms bands need to be in to succeed. Your support will help motivate them to do more for you. So get to liking and sharing already.

Remnants Of Catacombs Onstage
With Driver
With Driver

Remnants of Catacombs fill up the void that most metal bands choose not to stray into which is telling fictional stories. Some believe it’s uncool. I come from the school that grew up on Iron MaidenHelloween and Megadeth.

Stories are cool.

Stories delivered through a wall of distorted guitars, images-of-impending-doom evoking bass and ultra-tight blast beats… now that should get your attention.

The stories this band sing about are great. It’s like listening to an Audiobook with full volume on. It’s literature you can enjoy. I bet Tolkien would’ve wanted to do this for sections of his book if he had the chance.

It’s fresh.

It’s different.

And it’s a whole new approach that I enjoy more than the political stance other heavy metal bands take.

What can I say? I love stories.

The band has gone through a lot of changes, Jade’s the only one left who’s still holding on to the dream of making it big. The rest have moved on to other things. But that’s how life really is. Not everyone gets to reach their goal and it takes a special breed of person with character to hold on to a dream and drag it inch by inch closer to reality.

Although a part of the death metal branch, they still prioritize melody over just being heavy for heavy’s sake. The compositions take you on a journey along with the lyrics. There are well-placed changes, tempo shifts and down beats where it is appropriate. From a chord theorist’s point of view, I am envious of how well crafted their songs are.

Me Sounding Like An Old Man

If I remember correctly, I was impressed with how tight they sounded and how technically proficient they were on their respective instruments.

Live, there’s still much to be desired, but judging from the feedback during their last gig… I think I may have missed just how vastly they’ve improved from when I first saw them. Let’s just say I was bored when I first saw them onstage but their music kept me from leaving the venue. I was bored visually because they weren’t moving along to their music. And they didn’t dress up right. I wanted some leather. Metal demands leather outfits. Jeans, vests, jackets, gloves, whatever. Don’t wear shorts. Is that too much to ask for? Leather and studs. Yeah! Ohhh and add bracers like the ones Kerry King of Slayer has. But that was so long ago… I’m looking forward to seeing them onstage again.

ROC Onstage Zero82 Lokal

And I want their singer to really get into the role of the storyteller. To hell with the rest of the crowd right? Get into the role when you’re onstage. Be the physical embodiment of your song. Be fearless.

Remnants Of Catacombs Onstage Iconic
Remnants Of Catacombs Onstage Iconic

I’m sounding too much like an old man who wants to manage this band. I guess I’ll end it here.

From The Band

And here’s something positive from the band. God, this was so well written that I just had to quote it. If there’s anything you’re gonna take away from this article, I hope it’s these words.

“We’re glad, our passion remains.
This is no inspiring story. But we couldn’t help but wonder how powerful passion is.
Passion drives people regardless of their circumstances.
Passion allows us to focus on solutions, adapt to changes, and stay optimistic.
And Passion makes everything fun even if, only for a short time.
And passion, surprisingly, makes the impossible, possible.

It sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth.

So Here’s Our Message:
If you’re just starting a band or any creative project, don’t give up when things get hard.
Don’t give up because of financial or time issues. And don’t give up when some of your bandmates or projectmates leave.
Because the truth is…
Real magic happens when you keep pushing even if the whole world is against you.

Stay passionate folks. See you soon. :)”

-Remnants of Catacombs

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