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San Miguel Brewery inc., Musika Wabad, Hyper Hippo, GC Productions, Gioscrib proudly presents “AUGUST MAYHEM”.
That’s how much it cost to get everyone to converge at Gio’s Crib to witness one hell of an event befittingly called… August Mayhem.
The Triplets
5 bands live, onstage, causing quite a ruckus and leaving everyone in awe.
August 10, 2019
Gio’s Crib was unusually crowded because of Warlak one of the most sought after Metal bands in Manila thanks to their hit “Padre Damaso”.
Davao’s representatives weren’t slacking either. Despite the different sounds/genre from each band, it didn’t affect the core audience of the event. Metalheads were still banging their heads like jackhammers throughout the night.
The “TRIPLETS” lit the match indicating the start of the event. They immediately got the attention of the crowd as they plowed through TooL and Papa Roach songs. Pitel towered over the mass of sweaty bodies with the confidence only a veteran of the music scene could pull off.
And just like that, they were done.
Old school punk music purveyors, The PinHeads came barrelling in next and started off ecstatically with their Ramones covers. The crowd quickly joined in, sang and danced along. Givanne’s infectious energy and killer smile made their set a very enjoyable one. The crowd had a good laugh as the band’s onstage antics increasingly grew more absurd. They finished off with “Blitzkrieg Bop” and Hey! Ho! Let’s Go! The crowd formed a conga line and enjoyed their set immensely. The Pinheads managed to cram in the most amount of songs in the littlest amount of time possible.
Finally, one of the most anticipated bands in Davao, Vipera went onstage. Women about to go to war in a room full of metalheads.
6 girls.

Close to a hundred guys.
A few more closing in…
“Aerials, in the sky… ” the familiar sound of System of a Down blasted through the amps making everyone pause, step back, let the initial shock settle and as one the entire population surged towards the front to celebrate Vipera‘s inception onstage. A new rising star born through the hottest, most difficult trial by fire possible, opening for Soundtank and Warlak.
3 songs and the crowd fell in love.
They ended their set with “The beautiful people” an apt song for this young band. Watch out for Vipera when they strike again.
Hisses and Kisses.

You have to wonder though… did people come in droves to see Warlak or did they come to see how the bands would fare in the heat of the moment.
Soundtank, Davao’s legendary band led by the equally legendary frontman Giovanni Gaite didn’t give the crowd enough time to catch their breath and started off with Metallica’s “Fuel”

They immediately fuelled the crowd with the energy needed to go into a frenzy. Everybody, including the other bands, was in front banging their heads, singing along and jumping. Giovanni’s amazing presentation as a front man really defined pure Rock and Roll. From literally bathing himself with booze, running all over the crowded stage, expressing a full range of emotions from manic to melancholic. I haven’t heard “Fade to Black” sung as painfully as that.
It was a typical SoundTank show.
Finally. Warlak.
The steam from hot, sweaty bodies rose up in the air making it difficult to breathe. There was that sense of energy that the band exuded. Everything was perfect. Everywhere I turned to look a familiar face smiling, head moving along to the slow, steady beat of the drum while the band checked their sound. Erick was still offstage checking the mic and making sure it sent it’s signal perfectly and without interruptions. He was surrounded by local musicians in Davao. Everybody wanted to be near him.
This is why young boys and girls start playing music.
This is why you go to gigs.
And this is what it feels like to be at a real gig.
Bodies pressed into one another, moving like one big mass, fists thrown in the air, shouting along to songs and going deaf for a little while.
It was really hot inside.
Warlak played their set to the delight of the crowd even releasing a new song that few have heard yet.
Warlak was the perfect cherry on top to end the night. It was a night of energy building upon energy. The combustion of heavy metal music with a tinge of punk.
All in all the August Mayhem, I was absolutely gobsmacked unbelievable, it was powerful, aggressive and super amazing. Absolutely worth the wait. I wished it lasted longer.
There are some small gigs here in Davao that require an entrance fee and all and I feel like this one should have charged at the gate.
I’m not complaining though…
After all, it was a free show.
I hope that those who went to watch the show remember that although Warlak was the main band, the 4 support acts held their own well. The Triplets, The Pinheads, Vipera and SoundTank are world-class performers that deserve a jam-packed venue. Even without Warlak there, they would have performed in the same manner. Warlak was a bonus.
Warlak showed us that given the right motivation, a gig, even a metal one can be a highly successful one with proper local support. We should thank them for that and perhaps invite them for another show.
And with that, I end this. August Mayhem rocked!
Suporta Lokal. Don’t Just Say it, DO IT!