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Before we begin, let me just say this There’s No Such Thing As Normal!
“We’re just normal guys”
The moment I hear those words, I mentally check out of the conversation.
What’s the point of talking to you if you’re not special?
There’s no such thing as normal.

You’re a genetically unique human being with something to offer. You are not normal.
No one is.
Especially if you’re in a band.
It doesn’t matter to me if you’re in an avante-garde jazz fusion band with a leaning towards rock and awesome compositions. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a cover band doing the nightly rounds. There’s nothing normal about standing in front of a crowd and playing to them. No matter what anyone says, a part of them, wants the crowd to like them either through shocking them into falling in love with the band (in their own way) or really just playing good music to appeal to the more artsy fartsy side of the audience.
There’s nothing normal about that.
Based on ancient history, when someone stands in front of a crowd, chances are, that person is going to die. That thing you call stage fright? Yeah that’s your subconscious telling you to run.
And yet you stuck it out didn’t you? Good for you.
You’ve put in the countless hours of practice. You’ve put up with your band mates just to reach your shared dream. Now it’s time to get your stories out.
And I’m here to listen. So don’t give me that I’m normal line. Modesty won’t get you anywhere with me. Let’s focus on making you look good. You’ve got an audience waiting. So, what’s your story?
PM me for a band interview.
Tips for a good interview

Come well prepared – Get your story straight. You might want to discuss it amongst yourselves and ensure your answers match just to get the conversation moving along smoothly.
Dress up – surprise, surprise your mom was right. Look nice by dressing up. Dress up for the part you want to portray.
Be a Rock star but don’t be an ass – If there’s one thing that really pisses me off its people constantly trying to act humble when in truth they’re not. You’re a rock star, live up to it. I need you to be confident. I need you to tell people what you’ve accomplished. What do you intend to do? What are your plans? Tell me something. Anything. But for the love of God don’t tell me you’re just a normal person.
No one is normal.
It’s not bragging if you can back it up.
Don’t put others down in order to lift yourself up. You’re here, you’ve accomplished something, build your success on that.
Be a Rock Star, don’t be an ass.

Limit the profanity – sure we use it every day but there’s always a time and place for everything. When we’re online and there’s an audience, we have a responsibility to be a bit more reined in.
Do not English me if you do not can speaked it – Stop spokening dollar in a peso country.
Look, English is the language I’m most comfortable speaking but… this is your story. Tell it the way you want to in the language or dialect you prefer. I can fully understand and speak Bisaya and Tagalog. Pwede ko mag Bisaya kung gusto ninyo Bai. (I also know Tagalog… Eh)
I Will Adjust.
And have fun. When you have fun, I have fun.
Years from now, the interview you just participated in will be viewed by hundreds/thousands… how do you want to be remembered?
Oks, please continue to like, share and invite more people to the page. And remember: Be A Rock Star, Not an Ass.
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