Thank You For Being Part Of Our 30 Day Journey

Thank You

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. That means I earn commissions from my sponsored links or I make money when readers (you) purchase items through my links. Your purchase allows me to continue working as a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as a farmer and a musician. Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links.

Thank You.

That’s how this should start. we truly appreciate your support. You are the reason why we continue to exist.

If you’re not pissing someone off on social media you’re not using it aggressively enough. – Guy Kawasaki

Today is the first month after we started the campaign to raise awareness and play a small part in reviving the Davao music scene. Well technically we’re 2 days late. We started on the 25th but only really decided to take it seriously on the 27th of June.

During this campaign we were able to add 2000 more people to the Musika Wabad page. This helped people who would otherwise just ignore each other on social media and other platforms to come and discuss or show appreciation for certain bands. No doubt, some bands have benefitted from that.

We’ve also gone out of our way to discover music already on Spotify by Davao based artists and compiled it into one playlist so you guys can have a chance to appreciate music coming from this side of the planet. It’s also a chance for you to put your money where your mouth is. Suporta Lokal? Well, don’t just say it. DO IT.

Our motivations in doing this was based solely on raising awareness that the Davao Music Scene does exist. It was already there long before we came into the picture. There were already groups, pages, production outfits helping to strengthen the music scene. We came in to serve a small part because we are fans of music first and we have the ability to spread info to more people through written articles, SEO and social media campaign strategies.

It has been a fun journey. But it has not been one without issues and concerns.

We have received some negative comments, feedback and accusations of favorite-ism. True, this started out as a personal blog but your continued patronage has made us rethink our strategy and ensure everyone is catered to as equally as possible.

(Editor: – Chipester Khan)

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To be honest, we are just as surprised as you with the turn of events.

The bands featured are definitely great bands. Tamad Si Juan, Project Satellite, Spooky Serna, SoundTank, Amana, the list goes on and on. I’m discovering more as I go along.

All I really wanted was to make these bands feel appreciated even by one person, not just in the form of saying “ayos tugtog niyo” I wanted to really describe how I felt about their music, what they do and what effect it has on people like me. I did that in the hope that they would feel really good about themselves and keep going as a band.

Not all of the bands featured in this blog are my friends. Some I don’t like as well (I’m a human being too). Some of them I only know through the band.

If they’re a good band, it doesn’t matter how I feel about certain individuals in the band, I will feature them. But… if they suck… well… no… just no. I won’t mention them though just to keep this blog on the positive side.

I’ll just say thank you. but you know what this version of thank you really means right?

(End of Editor remarks)

All Ads – Google Adsense, Nuffnang and other affiliate links have been removed from the blog during the first week of the campaign to ensure non-bias. We do have a donate button on the page for those willing to give any amount just so we can keep running our operations as a Page.

if you choose to donate, thank you!

To expand our coverage, we’re looking for more contributors especially those who love Reggae, Extreme metal, pop and world music. If you’re a writer or you’re interested in writing, send us a PM. We also need someone good with graphics, video, people who actually love going to gigs etc. just send us a PM

For the bands, we’ll try to feature everyone in the near future. We just had to pause to rethink olur strategy and ensure that everyone benefits from the articles we release.

Again, thank you.

For now, here are some tips:

1. Practice – put in a lot of practice to get better. Practice more than you gig. 10,000 hours of practice makes you good, another 10,000 will make you better and if you go beyond that, superhuman.

2. Perform – you have to get yourself out there. don’t be a bedroom musician who has lots and lots of expensive gear with no onstage exposure. You’ll never truly know if you’re good unless you hit the stage. The stage separates the boys from the men. or girls from the women. or… ok, I won’t go there… people already hate me too much as it is.

3. Promote – Tell people about your band. Artists who are too lazy to market themselves are going to get swept under the rug. There are lots of ways to get yourselves out there. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, playing in venues those are just some of the ways to raise awareness of your band as a brand. Get everyone in the band to participate. Work to achieve your goal. Once done, create new ones and work again. Tell your family, friends, frenemies, enemies, exes, crushes, pets, deceased relatives, God, your local priest, your congressman, other pages you like about your page. Piss them off if you have to by constantly reminding them you exist. Just keep promoting yourself.

4. Lend a hand – I’ve always believed in cooperation over competition. That’s a bit mensch-y for some people but it does work. From a business standpoint, compounding everyone to one accessible location drives traffic to that particular area that proves beneficial to everyone.

It’s just like saying “Sa Divisoria ang lahat ng pinakamurang bagay”, “Sa Carriedo ang lahat ng pirated DVDs” “Sa Bambang ang medical supplies” “Sa Gilmore ang computer parts”

in Davao… “Sa Roxas ang Night Market”, ” Sa Tagum ang investment companies”
you are creating a tag that helps identify the entire community. Everyone in the end benefits. Suporta Lokal, it works if you honestly believe it and DO IT.

So please support Musika Wabad, we’re doing this for everyone.

In the coming months, we’ll be streamlining everything so we can cater to everyone’s likes and needs. We’ll keep posting events, local bands and of course, music. Let’s do this Davao. It is only by helping ourselves that we become truly greater than what we are today.

In parting, Thank you so much for being a part of this initial step we’re making as a community to revive the Davao Music scene. Please continue to like, share and follow the page as well as the Spotify link so we can truly support our Davao musicians.

Don’t have Spotify? get one, it’s dirt cheap. Don’t be a cheapskate.

Suporta Lokal, Don’t Just Say It, DO IT!

And Thank you!

Thank You
Thank You

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