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God, I’m gonna sound like a big Soundtank kiss-ass once this comes out. This band is one of the reasons why this site was made in the first place.
It’s no secret that Giovanni Gaite the owner of Gio’s Crib & frontman of Sound Tank is a friend. Not that close of a friend but enough that we don’t ignore each other when we meet outside the usual gig places. Me being in a band also means I owe him big time for letting me play onstage in his bar/club. But… I also know that Giovanni does not suffer fools lightly and he doesn’t appreciate fake people. And I’m a bit too much of a jerk who likes to poke fun at people. So… here we go. Here’s SoundTank.
If you’re looking for a band who can give you a rocking good time, there’s no other band in town capable of doing that and holding the attention of a large crowd. SoundTank has proven that they are equally comfortable in large outdoor gigs and small intimate club settings. It is thrash metal at its finest. And I love it when they go into power metal mode and bring in some Dimebag riffs. Any lesser band would know to steer clear of Dimebag’s riffs because you miss one note and there’s an entire community of fans waiting to rip you apart. SoundTank goes through Pantera songs like no other. And if you close your eyes and let yourself drown in the music, you’d swear you were at a genuine Pantera gig.
Let’s just say SoundTank satisfies that heavy metal longing that I have which very few bands play nowadays because of (1) they’re into “new” stuff and (2) they just don’t have the technical prowess to handle such music.
Ok, now on to the main man, Giovanni Gaite.
Very few frontmen in Davao can claim to have a silhouette as recognizable as Giovanni’s.

Photo Taken by: Alexakis Rasay
He sheds everything normal about him when he gets up onstage and transforms into a veritable giant. He scowls, he frowns, he glares at the crowd like a diminutive madman, hair all askew. Stories are told through the songs he sings, the gestures he makes and his interaction with the crowd. He curses, he shouts, he hops up and down, pumps his fist in the air and beckons everyone to follow suit. And when you look around, you see heads bobbing up and down unable to resist his command. Pretty soon you find yourself singing or screaming along. That’s the power of SoundTank’s music. You see a nice, quiet person transform before your very eyes from a mild-mannered guy offstage to a veritable rock God onstage. New singers in Davao should really take notes from this guy. This is how you front a band.

Forgive me if I haven’t written much about the long list of musicians backing Giovanni onstage. It’s just that I’m not friends with everyone and let’s face it, SoundTank, fronted by Giovanni becomes a one-man show.
Hmm… Can I make it up to you guys if I post some videos of just how awesome SoundTank is? Ok, cool!
I hope to see more of this band in the future and perhaps have a proper sit-down and mayhaps an interview 😀