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Words by: Alkhaliif Mukarram
Nothing compares to the feeling of witnessing a homage of the favorite tune classics, Being able to experience the spirit of classic Filipino Rock and Roll getting rekindled once more and most of all just having a really good time in a show.
That is exactly what Gio’s Cribs‘s “Saturday Rock Party” projected together with the bands “Mother of Bully”, “Islawter” and finally “Taliban”
Before the show it started to rain like it wasn’t gonna stop. However, Despite the weather, it was not gonna stop the bands of doing what they do best, which is giving us a good show.
It seems like a the new tradition for the crib now is that the main starring band of the event will have them perform first as their 1st set and then have a final set afterwards.
Taliban Starts The Show

Starting off with Taliban they initiated and it seems like they have set the bar for the rest of the bands for every song was going to get better and better. here and there, with Xynyrd’s charismatic performance and attitude, the bands and us the audience just knew what we are gonna get.
The MOB Pummels Our Ears to Submission

Mother Of Bully. The amount of angst they have set on their performance was absolutely gnarly with Deftones and FlyLeaf covers plus their Original “Skitz. Nothing but a blast from the past as well with classic 2000’s heavy music. I even got the chance to sing with them with “My Own Summer”
Islawter Slays the Crowd With Their Original Songs

One that got the crowd intrigued was the band “Islawter” A band dark enough to create a sense of genuine unease for us for they have played pure originals , kinda reminds me of the good ol’ Post Grunge scene. Even got to meet one of the members.
Full of heart and full of spirit.
Taliban Almost Lights Up The Stage
Finally, Taliban was playing the last set.
After all the massive impact with each band, they were like the cherry on top on the same halo-halo dish that we got that night and this time it was a complete blast as EVERYBODY was already dancing and jumping around the stage.

I couldn’t even help myself but join the crowd with the rest of the bands.
They were so Rock and Roll that it settled down afterwards and everybody was ecstactic about the band’s performance despite the short circuit of the panels. The band had to cut their set short though as they were in danger of burning the place down to the ground (we can’t have that). We have another story about that in the works.
Where else would we be able to play if not at Gio’s Crib?
It’s moments like thess that keeps Rock and Roll alive. It’s bands like “Taliban” that fuels the spirit even if the music changes all over the years the roots will always be one of a kind and that is what Taliban reminds us for Gio’s Crib’s “Saturday Rock Party”