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I’ve always dreaded having Raging Hangovers a day after binging and drinking with my buddies. Those were the days… Ahhh to have the constitution & endurance of youth.
These days, I enjoy gigs with bottled water in hand. No more Raging Hangovers. Until this band came into my life.
And you know what? This is an enjoyable type of Raging Hangover(s).
The Raging Hangovers is a fun band in Davao City playing rock and alternative music. And it’s not the type of alternative rock music that I grew up to but it is fun!

I should have released this a long time ago.
January 19, 2019
I was late. The Raging Hangovers was having their EP launch at Zero82 Lokal. We had just finished our set at Pete’s Point and getting to Torres from Lanang is roughly a 15-minute drive away. 57 minutes if I’m the one driving. Yeah… I’m that slow.
So I got there, really late. There was no more doorman at the gate because they said it was way too late and when I asked if I could still buy a CD, an American looking, thin guy told me there were no more copies and I’ll just have to order a copy through the band’s FB page. So… no doorman and no more CDs but the music inside was so loud and surprisingly so good. I placed a Php100 bill inside the collection box and with a clear conscience that I had paid, went in.
I was surprised to see how packed the place was. So that’s why there was no one watching us at Pete’s Point.
Everyone was here.
Who is this band?
Why do they matter?
I only see 5 fat guys onstage.
Or the makeshift stage Zero82 Lokal made for them to the side of the venue instead of the usual stage we were accustomed to playing on. I probably came off like a snob when I just passed through the people I knew in the crowd because I was watching the band while inching my way through to any clear space possible. There was little to no space available for me and my fat ass.
The band announced that this was their next song and that they were sorry to cut the album launch short due to time constraints. This time, I stood still and observed the band from start to finish. Movement. Very nice. Everyone moves, especially the bassist who doubled as the vocalist. The 2 guitarists were in perfect unison. Nice. The drummer, not bad, not bad ( …maybe I should get his number and see if he’d be interested to join my band instead). And the one thing that really surprised me was they were smiling. I don’t know if they were on a high because they’d finally achieved their dreams through their EP launch or what but they were smiling. They looked genuinely happy! What gives? This band isn’t ashamed to smile onstage.
That’s something new.
You don’t see that every day.
I like that.
Most bands in that genre are always scowling like they have a bug up their ass. Or maybe they just weren’t hugged enough by their moms?
They were bouncing around, moving, interacting with the crowd, giving each other space to move when it was their time to stand in the spotlight.
The Raging Hangovers was definitely having fun onstage. And it was infectious. The people in the crowd were bobbing their heads to the music. And I finally understood why they ran out of CDs to sell on that night.
The Raging Hangovers rocked. The EP launch was a success.

And even the usually bored doormen manning the gates left their post to rock along with the rest of the crowd.
Alas, I was only able to witness 2 and a half songs out of the 4 songs they played. Jireh told me they had an entire set list ready to go but time did not permit for the fun to continue.
It’s a good thing I still had this saved on my computer.