As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. That means I earn commissions from my sponsored links or I make money when readers (you) purchase items through my links. Your purchase allows me to continue working as a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as a farmer and a musician. Needless to say, this post contains affiliate links.
Practice makes perfect.
If you went through my other blog, you’ll know I just recently did an accountability check. It’s been a year since I last made any update here.
So many things not done…
But that’s in the past now… I’m going to try and be more proactive with this blog. So many exciting things have happened in the music scene and I kinda just left the amazing, Mr. Dat Dat to handle everything.
Time to make some changes.
Let’s see…
Kadayawan 2023
The Kadayawan’s done. We need to write something about that soon and about their botched FB post. I was left scratching my head when I finally got around to reading that original post.
Writing isn’t about using up all of the big words in the dictionary. Use it like you would with sugar. With moderation. Too much sugar kills. Too many big words kill the thought or the idea.
Practice makes perfect. That also applies to writing. The more you write, the more you’ll realize that you don’t really need to use those big words except to drive a point, make your article seem more interesting or something like that.
Practice makes perfect also applies to consistency. That’s what I’m going to practice with this blog. Dat Dat seems to have everything in control on the FB page side anyway. Give him a huge applause people. He deserves it :D.
What else… what else…
Redeemed By The Blood Brought Glory Back Home

Oh yeah, Redeemed by the Blood went to Wacken after winning the local Wacken competition here in the Philippines. One of our Musika Wabad staff is actually involved in a romantic relationship with one of the band members…
We should ask the lovely Miss Nikki to do an interview of some sort…
They really brought the goods home. Something I hope more people from Mindanao will be proud of.
And another thing, I hope next year we’ll have more bands that get featured on the national and international landscape.
If you’re a local band, keep at it.
I Need a Little Direction
I’ll have to admit that I didn’t really have any clue what I was going to do with this website when I started it. I just thought “Hey, cool name for a website” and bought the domain. 5 years later, I still don’t have a concrete plan on what to do with this website.

So, I’m open to suggestions. I really want to make this a regular thing. I really just want to contribute to the success of OPM here in Davao City and hopefully the entire Philippines. Writing is one way I know how to do it.
So, I’ll do it.
Here are some things I’d like to do. It’s gonna be a little bit like Guitar World. I know, it’s ambitious but I have to start somewhere, right?
I’ve done a little bit of everything in the past like feature local bands, hold interviews, did a podcast, tried to do it online on my own, and sold some local band merch… nothing seemed to stick.
I’d like to focus on things I know more like band management, basic guitar lessons (advanced players are welcome to come aboard as columnists), basically get more people onboard and I’ll just edit their ideas so it helps the community.
What do you think?
Are you interested in teaching a few things to some people thirsting for knowledge?
Maybe I should also do some posts that cover the lyrics of some local songs. If you’re a local band with songs, you can submit your lyrics through FB messenger and we’ll take it from there. Chords and a little story would also be great. I should come up with a format huh?
By now you probably realize I’m just rambling… so please check the MusikaWabad FB page for more updates.
YouTube Me Please?
I’ve shot some footage before that I really wanted to post on YouTube but I just don’t have the necessary skills needed to be a good videographer and editor. Let’s just say it’s not that much of a priority to me as, let’s say, copywriting.
But, if I have the time and the number of people willing to help out, why not?
So What? Go Out and Do it Yourself
If we really want to make the Davao music scene more vibrant, we need all hands on deck, right? It doesn’t even necessarily have to be through MusikaWabad.
Anyone can put up an FB page. Anyone can buy a domain. Almost anyone can create a website.
I say, the more websites catering to promoting music, the better.
And maybe in the near future, we can all come together and share how to do things better. God knows I need some help and direction for this website.
And whatever you get into, don’t let others tell you not to do it. So, what if you’re a punk band or a death metal band? So what if you’re a pop band, hip-hop, or whatever cool music is out there?
I say just do it.
To hell with what others have to say.
Practice Makes Perfect… Practice This
Last but not least… in the spirit of “practice makes perfect…”
I just recently came across a website that allows you to make tabs.
It’s pretty simple, no ads, no frills, just a tab maker and a way to play it back. You can even choose between an acoustic or electric guitar playback.
This is something pretty basic.
Most guitar players already know this.
But practice makes perfect.
And nothing is too basic when it comes to playing guitar.

I use it for my warm-up and I hope you’ll use it too.
Now, I’m hoping to release one article a week and I’m going to have to ask you to make me accountable for that. You can post a comment in the comments section if I’m lagging or falling behind. You can also do it through the FB page.
PS. Practice Makes Perfect
If it’s not clear to you by now, the term, “practice makes perfect” can extend to all aspects of your life.
Want to become better at school? Practice studying better to get perfect grades.
Want to become a better driver? Practice driving safely and with precision to become a perfect road user.
Want to become a better VA or freelancer? Practice working better, practice paying attention to detail, and practice listening to instructions.
Want to become a better person? Practice compassion.
Want to become a better parent? Practice patience with your kids.
Want to become a better husband? Practice becoming one.
It’s not going to be easy. Nothing in this world is. But it will get “easier…”
Practice makes perfect.