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Llamado o dehado? Which band would you pick in a battle to represent you? I’d go for Quadrado.
Who says Battle of the Band competitions are lame?

Battle of the bands are oftentimes seen as cheap and easy ways for undeserving bands to gain recognition. Sometimes it’s also a way for overly qualified bands (especially those in show bands) to capitalize on their immense talent and win easily over all the other amateur bands in participation.

Quadrado didn’t join the battle of the bands to win. They just wanted to showcase their talent and perhaps gain a little following. They didn’t expect the turn of events that would lead them through a roller coaster ride of being virtual nobodies to guys people watch at Gio’s Crib.
Talk About Reluctant Winners
Yeah, I’ve been to a couple of Quadrado shows and they’re a very energetic band. There’s that slight awkwardness that belies their youth that makes them even more appealing. You know these guys will go far once you see Shed playing his guitar. You can’t deny the kid has skills and moving the way he does while maintaining the clean, crisp riffing is something not all guitarists can do. Or choose to do. Whatever the case, he definitely stands as the star in the band. I guess he managed to really bring his influences into his playing.

Merz, ever the good bassist, matches Shed in terms of talent and movement. He makes sure the show isn’t imbalanced visually and takes some of the attention to his side. A solid drummer behind the pair and a charismatic frontman upfront is the reason why Quadrado is never far from anyone’s mind when it comes to bands that rock the local music scene.

Yeah, you need a really good guitarist that can move, a singer that can actually sing and hold the crowd’s attention, a steady bassist and a dynamic drummer. This is probably the winning combination that allowed Quadrado to keep winning contests they normally wouldn’t because of closed minds about music.

Nu-Metal To The Core
The band’s sound is unmistakeably Nu-Metal. It is loud. It is harsh. And it hits you like a sledgehammer to the chest. Any nearer to the stage and you’d probably bust your eardrums. There’s no going around it. It evokes images of Slapshock, Greyhoundz, Queso, all the other bands that dominated the scene in the early 2000s. When I asked the band about this, they admitted to really wanting Nu-Metal back on the forefront of Davao’s music scene. From what I can see, Nu-Metal has a good future with these boys leading the pack.
So, llamado o dehado, watch out for Quadrado!