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The first time I saw Induce was at a Pete’s Point gig.
They kicked ass.
I became a fan immediately right after.
Not a lot of people know this but watching Induce play could save your life. Literally. You see, the axe brothers, Carlos and Glenn are true blue paramedics so don’t be afraid to get too excited when you watch this band because they can revive you in seconds before going back onstage to pick up where they left off.

But seriously, this is perhaps the most dangerous-sounding band in terms of guitar interplay. Both Carlos & Glenn are well-equipped with lightning-fast fingers & they can shred along with the best of them. All of this while, towering over the rest of his bandmates, the charismatic frontman Triskelion easily barks out notes that are easy to follow along.
It’s no wonder their choice of songs are some of the most challenging tunes out there that only a few bands dare to cover. Velvet Revolver, Razorback, Incubus these are just a few of the bands they cover.
This is a fearless band.
And they’re open to play anything, anywhere. All individual members are highly sought after musicians in other bands. In fact, Glenn is currently playing guitars for Amana and AcidRadius when he’s not tearing up the town with Induce.
Induce is currently recording their songs and getting ready to release an EP for all you Davao music fans out there. Watch out for that.
… And if you ever feel your left shoulder stiffening up during their gig, that’s probably a sign of an impending heart attack or envy that you can’t shred as fast as the two Santillan brothers.