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I knew my band was in trouble when this quintet took the stage. Helen Has Fallen entered the same competition that we were in and word on the street was that these guys were legit.

They’d been doing the rounds, playing in the same places as we had… Gio’s Crib, Zero82 Lokal and everyone said the same thing: Helen Has Fallen was good.
Jero and I had the chance to see that for ourselves. To be honest, if the sound system used for the competition was better, we would’ve been in real trouble.

So why would I hold a band I barely know, in high esteem? Alright first off, I’m not friends with all the bands I write about. I’m not a fan of all types of music. What? I’m only human. I have preferences. I’m not much into the metalcore genre but I do understand the intricacies of playing that type of music. It’s not something to scoff at because you need serious chops to execute that type of music perfectly.
These 5 are very precise. They also have the drive to succeed. And they’re still young. They exude an aura of wanting to be recognized as the top dogs in the metal landscape. Frankly, I think they should be.

They already have 4 original songs and a video to boot. This band gives an outstanding performance. Their stage presence is undeniable. You simply can’t take your eyes off these guys. There’s always something happening onstage and when they slam in unison, that is what I’d call a damn good show.
Malalag Metal
And if that’s not enough, these guys come from Malalag. I’m not originally from Davao and to me, that place sounds far and away. They have to cover a hundred kilometers or so just to play onstage without any certainty of getting paid. That takes dedication. And passion.
This band has the drive to succeed. Helen Has Fallen is steadily rising and we are the extra little push that’ll speed that process up.
Let’s help Helen Has Fallen out by sharing their music to everyone we know in and out of Davao City.
Oh and check this video out:
Ok now go do your part and share this band to the rest of the world.