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I’ve always loved Die Glocke. From the time I first saw them play live until I started listening to their album on Spotify.
And let me tell you this, 23 minutes is just not enough Die Glocke to satisfy the soul.
Things have been pretty quiet in Die Glocke’s camp for the past few years after their drummer left for work reasons but now that he’s back, they’ve quickly regained their past momentum.
And they’re slated to play at Gio’s Crib this July 6, 2024 in support of their album “After Taste”.
For those who haven’t seen Die Glocke yet, you’re in for a treat. This is a visually and sonically stunning band that’s going to pummel your ears to the ground with that deep, groovy bass line, power metal riffs and steady, crushing drums.
First off, this band is physically intimidating. They tower over almost everyone when they enter the gig. Their presence is undeniable. You just can’t ignore them when they’re around.

Add a foot or two of stage height and you’re looking at giants. Vikings. Bringing Ragnarok through their brand of music.

And what’s their music like?
Die Glocke’s songs are short, fast, furious, and really loud. It’s great for bringing your energy up quickly.
Like a cup of coffee that packs a punch.
The Machine
Jake on the guitar proves power metal still lives on with his Dimebag-esque riffs. The songs on their Spotify album don’t give justice to his expert guitar work.

His solo on “The Machine” is a showcase of effective use of the wah pedal to deliver the most emotion out of the guitar. It’s short, it’s sweet and it’s effective. I just wish it was a longer solo.

Marcus’ voice reminds me of Lemmy Kilmeister at his roughest. These are some of the most powerful metal singing I’ve heard for a long a time. It’s clear, loud, and it gets the message across. Just the type of metal vocals I like.
After Taste has a rhythm pattern that quickly transitions between that of Petrucci and Darrell. I’ve always wondered how something like that would sound.
Doesn’t disappoint.
Wish they made it a longer song though with more solos.
Hell Upon Your Doors
I love the bass sound on this track. It supports the guitar track well. Kudos to whoever dialed up that bass sound. It really stands out in the mix and doesn’t get lost under the guitar’s overwhelming sound.

Out of all the songs on the list, I think Everlast is the one that best captures the true spirit of Die Glocke. It’s straight to the point from start to finish. There’s also that breakdown near the 1-minute mark where everyone goes into full instrumental mode.
Jake goes into his signature solo style and the rest of the team follows. I’d like to mention how Eduard enters the fray with a prolonged bass note laying the foundation to the guitar work. The treble on the bass gives it a menacing growl that just seems perfect for the track.
The drums also gives the band enough room to breathe before they bring it all together into one powerful groove jam at 1:12. This section of the song is almost a minute long and no one does that anymore which is refreshing.
Do not listen to this track if you’re stuck in traffic. In fact, don’t listen to this track if you’re driving a car or operating heavy machinery. It’ll make you drive faster or make you break stuff.
Classic Die Glocke.
The Vikings are Back!
Oh and just in case you want to see them live, they’re playing at Gio’s Crib on Saturday July 6, 2024 in support of their album.
Sharing the stage with them are: Plagio, Cara Y Cruz, Position for Sale, and Project Satellite.

Gio’s Crib is now located at Dona Vicenta Road, using the former Calle Cinco bar as it’s new base of operations.
See you there!