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If there’s one band in Davao City that picked a really good name, I’d say it was Cosmic Blah.

I admit, I’ve been putting off writing about this band for a couple of days now and it’s not because I dislike the band or anything like that… It’s just that I’m at a loss for words as to how I’m gonna describe their music. And for any writer… that means trouble.
Don’t get me wrong, I like their stuff. It’s trippy, but is it psychedelic rock? There are elements of rap & spoken word poetry, so is this trip-hop? They look like they’re in a punk band. They look nothing like how they sound like. It’s a mish-mash of sensations visually & sonically.
So close your eyes. And just drift off.
Picture this: Heavy layers of delay & chorus piled on top of one another put you in a trance. There’s a steady rhythmic beat, pulsing, washing over you. It’s heavy. Physically heavy like something’s pressing down on you.
And then the vocals come in. At first, it sounds like an incoherent rant. The rambling of a drunk unable to handle his alcohol. As you listen closely, there’s a hint of politics & everyday life in the topics they’ve chosen to discuss onstage. And as the music reaches a frantic so too does the singer as he screams into the mic like it his only salvation. Loud crashes commence. The pained howl of a vocalist embodying his emotions onstage. And then, bam! Climax. You’ve just gone through an experience only you can have through the help of these 5 guys onstage.
I hope to God you have your eyes closed throughout their set because seeing them just standing there destroys the experience. It’s just 5 guys onstage who look like they just got up in the morning and decided to play onstage. Methinks if these guys start dressing up in identical suits when they go up onstage is gonna make me trip my balls out. Now that would really complete the experience.
Like the universe finally completing the joke and saying, “Dude, wanna trip out? Here’s Cosmic Blah“.