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Cerise... She's gonna be an Inamorata... She's gonna choke you up and drown you in her water
Put your arms around her, she'll wrap you round her finger
maybe you'll feel it....

At first, I thought the lyrics said “She’s gonna be an animal rider…” and I immediately thought “Niiiiiccceee!” after having the song on a perpetual loop, I finally got it. Oh… Inamorata…

I was thinking I have to talk to this band and get their story. They’re perfect! A female fronted band with someone who’s actually worth looking at paired with a haunting voice backed by superb musicians. Oh, I love me some jazz. Now how do I connect with this band? Who do I know enough to properly introduce me to the band and make them comfortable enough to share their story with a complete stranger? A few days later, the bassist Simon messaged me. Ahhh… you ask the universe to give you something enough times and it’ll happen somehow.
For those who don’t know, I love jazz. I love the big band era musicians. If it’s good music, I’ll listen to it.
Cerise, is different.
They’re great.
Let me explain:
Simon’s bass lines really drive the music forward playing in, out or just behind the pocket, he’s the bassist I’d pick for my jazz band if that day comes. These are the most beautifully spun basslines I’ve heard in a really long time. (Why is it that the female fronted bands in Davao have the best bassists?) And the drums, oh man, it’s a workshop worth seeing.

I like how subtle the guitar is in the mix, just adding enough texture to give it some grit, turning an unapologetically lounge styled jazz song into something the younger crowd can appreciate.
The icing would have to be the keyboards. Francis knows his way around his instrument. It is a playful exhibition of skills from a master and it is placed well above the mix. It’s fresh to the ears.
Listening to their songs, they’ve hit a nice balance of all the instruments. And then Siobhan’s voice cuts through the mix like a playful ballerina flitting through the sonic landscape. It’s haunting, relaxing, edgy enough to match the seemingly bridled instruments who choose to shine through at certain moments all throughout the song. These are virtuosos in ripped jeans, dyed hair and sneakers. It’s a showcase of talent that’s rare for people their age.
The first time I heard them, was when we had a gig at Suazo. I was instantly hooked.

The band was named after the colour of one of Siobhan’s hair dye products. And all the while I thought they’d chosen the name in honor of a Marvel character I know from way back.

One thing I’m really glad to hear is that Siobhan is the main songwriter and the guys pitch in to make an already awesome song into something extraordinary. Pitching in might be the wrong word here… Transform… yeah transform sounds nicer. They transform an already great song to something extraordinary. Why am I having internal monologues here? Oh yeah… I really have to stop pretending I’m Deadpool. … I read way too many comic books even at my current age…
3 years ago… (August 2016), Simon, (bass) Francis (keyboards) & Richmond (guitars) decided teaming up with Nino (drums) and Siobhan (vocals) was in their best interest. A super band in the making that would slowly but surely capture the hearts & minds of their audience. There’s no shortage of talent here as all members are very capable musicians who know that properly placed notes in the context of a pop song can make it transcend over the mundanity of that genre.
It’s poppy. Bluesy. It’s sexy. It’s something otherworldly.
Ooohhh like a band the Shi’ar would definitely enjoy! (Alright, alright I’ll stop with this nerdy comic book geekiness).

I can’t wait for their next songs which they are currently working on and recording.
(I wonder if Siobhan will have to continue dyeing her hair for as long as the band exists…)
Listen to them on Spotify