WiHo – Wishes Do Come True


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It starts with a dream. Perhaps a wish.

And then you’d have to put in the hard work.

Countless hours, practicing at home and rehearsing to get things right.

Next, you’ll have to hunt down the gigs that matter.

You eventually get on stage and the first chord is struck.

And you look at the crowd.

And you think to yourself “Wish granted…”

The band WIHO has one long, complicated history based on a simple dream. A dream to own a guitar. Form a band. Record a song and the list goes on.

For some people who think this is an unremarkable series of events, this is actually a really good linear progression going in the right direction.

Take for example this story taken from their page:

Chapter 1 – The Conception

Wish I Had One, was sort of my serious punchline of a joke at one point in my life… 

I wanted to have a guitar, a band, a recorded song, to name a few on my list.

Yeah, as silly and childlike as it seems, almost all bands start out like this. Ask Lars, ask Dave, ask Basti, ask everyone. It starts with a dream. A wish. Some hard work.

8 years later, the band WIHO is still around, alive and kicking.

The faces have changed but one remains constant.

A lot has happened since then, the recording studio where 3 of their songs were made (at the price of 1) closed down.

The original singer who sang on the tracks left. The bar they first played in closed up shop. And they took on the name WIHO which is a far better one than Believer’s Fall (or is it Believers’ Fall… Believers Fall? … is it possessive, where do we put the apostrophe? … confusing) . WIHO sounds like such a happy name. One you’d most likely use when riding a rollercoaster. Or one easy enough for thousands of fans in an arena to chant.

I can hear it now… “Wi-Ho, Wi-Ho, Wi-Ho!”

No matter how hard it seemed, the band soldiered on and out of that tumultuous time came beautiful songs.

The band WIHO is a testament to what can happen if there is a visionary in the group willing to beg, borrow and have the will to keep on going despite the insurmountable odds. For now, I find it hard to really define what WIHO is, who they are and what they stand for. The first time I saw them was at Suazo bar and we were slated to go up next. They were playing their songs with a guest vocalist. I wonder, what they really sound like given the chance.

Technically, they’re a very young band because they’re still getting their stuff together. So far, it sounds tight enough. They look good enough on stage and with more exposure, who knows where we’ll hear Angel Boy, Rip and Shiva next.

Wi-Ho! Wi-Ho! Weee-Hoooo!

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