Suporta Lokal: Don’t Just Say It, Do It! How to invite everyone to Musika Wabad

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Suporta Lokal: Don’t Just Say It, Do It! How to invite everyone to Musika Wabad

The music scene in any locality is only as strong as the people supporting it. Right now, we really need your support.

We really need you to keep liking, sharing and inviting people to the page. Our goal here is to have a massive campaign to inform everyone in and out of Davao the vast wealth of musical talent in this city. We have all the genres present here and enough places (for now) to gig at. We have the potential to change the musical landscape and it all begins with sharing.

Suporta Lokal: Don’t Just Say It, Do It!

Ok… so how are we gonna do this? You will need a PC because I think it’s limited if you’re gonna use your mobile device… still, don’t let it stop you.

First, you have to go to the Musika Wabad page

Next, click on the invite link, check the arrows. Marvel at my graphic design skills.

Suporta Lokal FB Instructions 1

After that, you’ll see this pop-up:

Suporta Lokal FB Instructions 2

(Oooohhh… I see… my siblings have not liked my page yet…)

Finally, Once you’ve clicked on select all, you’ll be taken to this pop-up.

Suporta Lokal FB Instructions 3

Just click on the Send invites and Facebook will do its magic and tell everyone what we have here 😀

It’s that easy 😀

Thank you so much!

Oh yeah… for those who are wondering what Musika Wabad is… we haven’t really fully figured out what we’re doing. This idea started out because there was no one actively helping indie bands in Davao reach their goals. We’re here to help. We don’t have the money nor the corporate backing to do it yet but we have the drive to get something going.

Are we a production promoting gigs? naw… maybe… we’ll see for now, there are awesome production outfits already operating in the city. There’s GC Productions and Conclave Music who will help you with exposure and regular gigs and then there’s Juggerknack Productions who can actually get you your first paid gig.

Are we planning on putting up a place for gigs? Nope

Are we a recording label? So far the only artist we have under us is AcidRadius

and we’ve only managed to get a few of their tracks on Spotify

What we can do for now is provide stories, first-hand experiences of gigs and bands that deserve recognition. Something that’ll make these bands more interesting to people. Give them a back story. Something that people can emotionally invest in.

We have stories.

Help us make legends.

Like, share and invite more people to Musika Wabad

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