Musika Wabad Podcast Coming Soon!

Musika Wabad Podcast

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You could say we’re a bit late for the podcast game but we’ve finally decided to do just that. After all, it’s better to be late than never be there at all.

On November 16, 2020 at 3PM, we’ll do our first podcast with the band CrossT-26.

This was a long time coming.

So Why Do The Podcast Now?

If you’ve been following our Facebook page, you can see that we’ve featured a lot of podcasts from other artists and members. Our drive is to always help share music related content from Mindanao artists.

But there was something missing.

We searched high and low for someone to fill that void.

We found none.

So we decided to create a podcast specifically for that.

Mark these dates on your calendar:

  • 16 November, 2020 – 3PM – CrossT-26
  • 18 November, 2020 – (Time TBA) – Moawh
  • 21 November, 2020 – Red Horse MuzikLaban Watch Party (Lakas Category ft. Moawh)  
  • 27 November, 2020 – Artist TBA
  • 28 November, 2020 – Red Horse MuzikLaban Watch Party (Aklas Category ft. CrossT-26)
  • 4 December, 2020 – Artist TBA
  • 5 December, 2020 – Red Horse MuzikLaban Watch Party Awarding

What This Aims To Deliver

What we’re aiming for is to interview artists with the goal of telling their story so their audience can make a stronger emotional connection with them. Most people know the bands through their music but do they really know the people behind the songs we enjoy?

That’s what we want to reveal.

Who’s CrossT-26?


CrossT-26 is a band based in Davao who is representing Mindanao in the upcoming Red Horse Muziklaban competition. They, along with the band Moawh are our representatives for the Aklas and Lakas categories.

Moawh Sinilangan
Moawh Sinilangan

Related Article: Kiss Your Ass Goodbye, Here Comes MOAWH

What’s In It For Us?

We’re not that altruistic. We do have plans to be the ultimate source of band information for Mindanao-based artists. By doing this podcast, we’ll be able to provide content focused on bringing attention to these artists. Get to know them more not just through their music but as real people behind the instruments.


A podcast is an excellent way to help artists connect with their audience. What we offer is a venue for that to happen. So, take advantage of that by talking about yourself and presenting your band in the best manner possible to capture the interest of people dropping in to listen or watch.

You talk and the whole world will listen. No judging.

For more Musika Wabad Content check out our links to:

  • Facebook – Like, Share, and Follow
  • Twitter – Send us some DMs
  • Instagram – Like, Share, and Follow
  • YouTube – Please Subscribe and Follow
  • Spotify – Request your favorite songs from Mindanao artists to be included in our playlist

Related Questions:

Who Are We Planning To Interview?

All bands who show interest of being interviewed are welcome to be included in the lineup. Our first priority is to interview the bands we’ve already featured on this website. But, if you send us a message, we might work you in to the queue. So send us a message today 😀

Do We Need To Speak English?

No. We encourage you to use whatever language you believe will help you connect with your audience better. So Tagalog or Bisaya is fine. We speak those dialects too. Tara!

Do We Have A Definite Schedule?

We’re planning to do this on a weekly basis. For now, because of the urgency of getting the bands Moawh and CrossT-26 out there, we’ll do one on Monday and the next on Wednesday. That’s November 16, 2020 and November 18, 2020. After that, we’ll take a short break to review what we’ve done and get another podcast up again on November 27, 2020 (we’re still looking for whom to interview on that date)

We’d like to thank Tito Gaming for helping us with the technical aspect behind doing a podcast. For games, check their page out!

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