4 hours, 3 gigs, 2 days, 1 me

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Is it possible to accomplish in 4 hours, 3 gigs, 2 days, 1 me?

How was your July 27, 2019?

Me, I had a fantastic day. One I could never hope to fully capture in the limited amount of blog space and attention span afforded to me.

So let’s just say I had a lot to be thankful for because of the milestone Musika Wabad reached and the unfortunate turn of events that I can’t really write about here because there’ aready an official wrieup from the Bureau of Fire and some Electronics guys.

Aaaaand I’m too much of an idiot when it comes to writing about stuff I’m not entirely too familiar with.

So…. fast forward to a couple of hours later…. nght time. My fiancee, wanted to go out with the girls. I immediately complained, I just wanted to go home because I was exhausted from all the excitement experienced earlier in the day.

I didn’t know where I was going while they had their girly girly get together. Checked my instagram and oooh Hammersmash was playing at Gio’s Crib. I thought to myself “Hmmm these guys haven’t played in a while, Let’s go get some Megadeth fix.”


Hammersmash Onstage
Hammersmash Onstage

When I got there, sure enough they were onstage. Cool! No more waiting. They ripped through two Motorhead songs, and ended their set with a WolfGang cover. Not bad. Made a mental note to schedule an interview with these guys in August.

Spent most of the time discussing the finer points of Davao’s music scene with Mickey Elias. He had some pretty good ideas on how to make the dream go further. I wish there were more people like Mick. The Davao Music Scene would be more vibrant with passionate people like him.

I was thinking that’d be my only stop for the night. When Gio’s closed their doors at midnight, I was resigned to the fact that I’d be headed for Torres to go pick up the girls.

Oooohhh… no message yet!

I get to continue my me time. Gotta do 4 hours 3 gigs 2 days and 1 me.

Laysa’s Bar. Spooky Serna! Yeah! Just a few blocks away. Let’s go.

Got there and immediately saw my buddies Dat Dat and RJ in the crowd. Danced like oversized chimpanzees in heat. Clapped like drunken seal. Regained our composure and pretended to be “rocktar” cool when we finally got in. Took a few pics of Spooky Serna while they played Ilusyon. I missed most of their set. was tempted to shout, “I love you Juweh!” but held back because we were still acting like cool guys. I should schedule a proper sit down with these guys.

Spooky Serna Laysa's Grill
Spooky Serna Laysa’s Grill

Had a great discussion with some guys about Spooky Serna, AcidRadius and the local music scene.

If you got money, bet on Spooky Serna. They’re almost there. Follow, like and share.

Had to leave Laysa’s and headed for Torres.

No text message yet. Oh no… Looks like I’ll be spending an hour or two in Starbucks.

Wait… what’s happening? Looks like there’s a show at Zero 82 Lokal. I went to the entrance to gain access. Stood there for about a minute, waiting for the door man. SOme guy just told me “come on in, we’ve opened the gates”
Rap music. Oh yeah! I love this. There’s a different vibe at a show like this.
Took pics. Debated with myself if I should tke a video. Decided not to because everyone else had their phones out anyway. Just decided to bob up and down and enjoy it. Go the hip-hop community in Davao is so damn strong and united!
I mean, sure there are some people still in their seats but most of them, girls and boys were up on their feet, bumping each other and generally having a good time with the band onstage.

Kapaanay Poster
Kapaanay Poster

Wait a minute… do I hear guitar licks? Why does this band look so familiar? tats and dreads and…

Oh sweet mother of pearl, that’s Lost Tribe at Kapaanay 12!

Lost Tribe
Lost Tribe

They weren’t slated to play but because the opportunity presented itself, the band dove in and performed their signature set. Oh yeah!

Hip-Hop Scene In Davao Is Awesome
Hip-Hop Scene In Davao Is Awesome

The girls finally texted and said they were wrapping up. I needed some sugar fix so I headed for S’bucks and ordered my favorite mocha frappe. I couldn’t believe what just happened within 24 hours of my life from July 27, 2019 to the early hours of the 28th. 4 hours, 3 gigs, 2 days and 1 me.

I was gonna sleep really well tonight.

And then one of my closest childhood friends decided to message me about a Les Paul he wanted me to have (for a very friendly price of course) and we ended up chatting til 6AM.

And that your honor is what happened during the night of the 27th and the early morning hours of the 28th

(I gotta go get ready. Gonna pick out some office supplies at Uyanguren)

Some things I missed out:

Talked to the band: The Wrong Children and they’re finally getting their act back together again. Let’s see where these kids’ll take us again. They’re a punk band I immensely enjoyed 2-3 years ago.

I alo got to see some of my old Acidradio 2.0 bandmates. They’re now playing in a Rage Against The Machine cover band. Good luck.

Got offered a hosting job which could help me spread the message even more.

Hugyaw Logo
Hugyaw Logo

I just need bands to interview on air. If you’re a rockstar, PM me. Don’t PM me if you’re just normal guys in a band. Let’s go get your stories out.

Hmmm… yeah… that’s about it. Fun night. 4 hours, 3 gigs, 2 days, and one me.

Please continue to like, share, follow and invite more people to @musikawabad

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