An Accidental Concert by the Wrong Children

Tipsylogan Poster

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How does an accidental concert happen? Well, the Wrong Children managed to do it.

September 6, 2019 –

The sudden downpour that led to flooding in several parts of the city left me nervous. I was at Tipsylogan waiting for the two bands I managed to book for the place.

The only one who showed up was The Wrong Children.

The other band didn’t even have the proper manners to at least inform me beforehand that they wouldn’t show up. And… get this: the vocalist of the said band even had the gall to message me the day after that she had a gig. Guess how many curse words came out my mouth that Saturday morning. I’m never booking that band again.

Anyway, so the boys arrived and we immediately talked about the situation not knowing if the other band would show up or not. I just asked them if they’d be ready to play a long set.

They were up for it and boy was I glad they were sports about playing to a small crowd who were happy to sing along with them.

What was supposed to be a short set of 5 songs became 2 sets of I dunno how many songs because Khaliff was pulling tunes out of thin air and entertaining the crowd as best as he could. The rest of the band followed suit. We had people jamming with the band on vocals, guitars and drums. Wet and wild! (Reminder to self: never give any liquid to Khaliff onstage) and fun.

This is why I love the Wrong Children, they have the attitude that reminds me of when I was a young boy just starting out with my music career.

Tipsylogan was a very gracious host that provided food for the band (Halal food) and a spare instrument or two as the boys quickly demolished their own guitars in the process of entertaining the rowdy crowd. The boys had an entire tray of shawarma and buckets of beer as a show of appreciation by the owners. (They did promise to feed the bands so yeah, it’s better than nothing right? )

You want a gig place that appreciates musicians? Go to Tipsylogan. Other bands are slowly finding their way there 3 Fold Section, SoundTank, The Triplets, AcidRadius, MOAWH… these awesome bands are slowly making this cool place a second home.

Fun times!

Enjoy this teaser vid of the Wrong Children

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